Download the Arduino codes and open in IDE or Notepad:
- Soil Moisture Arduino Sensor codes (for both Digital and Analog input pins)
- Automatic Traffic Signal Control using 3 LEDs -Red, Green and Yellow
- LED Chaser Light using 7 LEDs as running Serial Lights
- Dual LED Chaser Light using 7 LEDs as alternate Blink Lights
- Gas Leakage Detection Sensor (MQ Series module)(both Digital and analog)
- Laser_beam_Detection_with_Button_Switch_Chennai_Robotist
- LDR sensor as Light and Darkness Detector. (both in same code)
- Radar Sensor detection
- PIR (Proximity IR) Motion detection Sensor
- Distance Detector LED meter with tone sound using Ultrasonic Sensor
- ESP32 Bluetooth Alexa control of Light